WCRPO 2023 Annual Roundup
When: Saturday, April 22, 2023
Where: Pavilion on Morgan Creek (in case of rain, the festivities will be at the Barn)
Time: 4:30 - 7:00 pm
Price: $15.00 per person
* Brief association business meeting to introduce newly elected directors
* This year we will be serving sausage & brisket, prepared by Bar-B-Q Shak
* Bottled water will be provided - feel free to BYOB
* Sides provided by fellow ranch owners
RSVP to Nelda via email or phone (512-756-0707) by Friday, April 8th to reserve your family's and guests place at the table.
Make checks ($15.00 per person) payable to WCROA and send to Nelda Duff, Wolf Creek Ranch Owners Association, 10233 RR 2341, Burnet, TX 78611 by Monday, April 11th .
For those bringing a side, please let Nelda know what you plan to prepare or get suggestions from Nelda of dishes we could use.
Y'all come!
Nelda Duff, Ranch Manager
Office: 512-756-0707